J Freeley Ltd, 14 Southern Street, Worsley, Manchester M28 3QN

Promote employment sustainability. We have a long-standing training system in place and all new staff are trained in accordance with the NDTG card scheme and gain industry wide qualifications.  The company does not and will not use zero hours contracts and we are an accredited Living Wage Employer.

Promote economic sustainability. We have been continually trading since 1983. We pay all suppliers and subcontractors within 30 days of reciept of invoice.  When using micro and small suppliers we pay within 7 days of reciept of invoice to increase cash flow.

Raise the living standards of local residents. We create multiple job opportunities which has a benefical impact on local people and their communities.  We try to use local suppliers and subcontractors where possible.

Promote participation and citizen engagement. We encourage all staff to be active citizens and to get involved in their local communities. 

Build the capacity and sustainability of the voluntary and community sector. We sponsor a number of local junior sports teams and reguarly assist with local voluntanty organisations in the areas that we work.  When we were appointed to dismantle Victoria Pier in Colwyn Bay we carried out the demolition of the old stand at Y Morfa Stadium free of charge for Conwy Borough FC. We also reguarly donate to local charities.

Promote equity and fairness. We are an equal opportunities employer. We treat everyone with dignity and fairness. The company pays all taxes due promptly.

Promote environmental sustainability. We are commited to reducing our environmental impact.  We acheive a recycling rate of over 98%. We are commited to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and becoming net-zero.  We have signed up to the SME Climate Commitment to reach net-zero emissions by 2030.